Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog
I have always had a passion for reading and writing hence why I created this blog. My interests span across a wide range of History, so hopefully this blog will have something for everyone whether you are interested in World Wars, 20th century politics or delving deep into the past. By writing posts about moments of history that I find most fascinating I hope to engage with others who share similar interests or even talk to those who have never learnt about such events before. I have included a list of charities in my blog which have relevance to what I am writing about. Some articles are very sensitive and can be very personal, so I want to encourage readers to visit the charities sights to learn more about certain topics as well as the charities work and ways to help. I hope to pursue a career in journalism or media one day, so this is a great avenue for me to practice writing articles. I would greatly appreciate any feedback or comments on my work.