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The Horrifying World of Bear Farming

Across Asia over 20,000 bears are suffering at the hands of humans. Experts believe up to 70% of the bears range has been lost and in some areas they are already extinct. The main reason for this decline is the Bear Bile farm industry.

(sourced from Korea Bizwire)

Bears have been hunted for their bile since 659 AD in the Chinese Tang Dynasty as it is used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is believed to cure many issues from hangovers to cancer. Scientific evidence shows these beliefs are medically unfounded and this medicine is completely unnecessary as there are over 54 herbal alternatives. Yet these traditional medicines continue to be sold in markets across Asia. The illegal trade of bear products is worth around $2 billion.

Bile is extracted from the gallbladder of bears using invasive techniques. The most common method is the ‘free-drip’ method where the bears undergo surgery to create a permanent open passage from their gallbladder through their abdomen. As the body naturally tries to heal itself, each bile tapping session involves forcing a metal tube through the wound to reach the bile stored in the bear’s gallbladder. Other methods include the permanent surgical implantation of a catheter which drains the bile.

(sourced from Animals Asia)

Bear bile farms begun in the 1980's to mass extract bile from bears. These farms target sun bears and moon bears which are both endangered species. Bears on the farms live in ‘crush cages’. They were given that name as the cages literally crush the bears causing mental and physical suffering for the animal.

(sourced from Animals Asia)

The bears have no quality of life as they are pumped full of drugs to keep them alive and develop infections and tumours that ultimately kill them. They suffer from wounds to their snouts, their feet are cracked and rotting, and their teeth are worn away from biting at the bars. Many have limbs missing from traps in the wild. The worst part about this disgusting trade is that bear bile is completely unnecessary.

Farming bears became illegal in South Korea in 1992 and Vietnam in 2008, however, many people are still defying the law and farming bears. Weak government enforcement has enabled illegal farms to thrive.

(Giles Clark pictured with rescue bear Mary at the Laos sanctuary)

Charities such as Free The Bears have been set up to try and save the bears in Asia from a lifetime of cruelty. So far they have saved over 1,000 bears from captivity.

Humans can be the most dangerous predator as we have a history of mistreating animals and exploiting nature. This cruelty continues today even if we do not witness it first-hand. We cannot turn a blind eye and stand by because these events are awful and too distressing to see. We are destroying animals habitats and making species extinct, animals are suffering and dying due to human selfishness, it is our duty to help save them.

(sourced from Giles Clark at the Laos sanctuary)

How you can help:

1) Donate to charities and organizations such as free the bears =

2) Help spread the word by sharing this information via social media

3) Send a polite letter to the Laos and Vietnam embassies congratulating them on their efforts to address the illegal wildlife trade, however, urging them to close down the remaining bear bile farms in Laos and Vietnam as well as provide greater public awareness, enforcement and punishments for wildlife crimes.

4) When we can travel again volunteer at sanctuaries such as free the bears.


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